
标题: 内眦赘皮诊疗专家共识
title: Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Epicanthus
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 整形外科医师,眼科医师,皮肤科医师,小儿外科医师等。
Guide users: Plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, pediatric surgeons, etc.
证据分级方法: GRADE分级系统与德尔菲专家共识法相结合
Evidence grading method: Delphi technique, Grading of RecommendationsAssessment,Development and Evaluation
制定单位: 中国研究型医院学会美容医学专业委员会,中国医师协会美容与整形医师分会,中国整形美容协会眼整形分会
Formulating unit: Aesthetic Medicine Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Ophthalmic Plastic Branch of the China Plastic and Aesthetic Association
注册时间: 2024-10-14
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN811
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 内眦赘皮属于东方种族面部特点,其存在影响东方人的眼型和面部比例。近年来随着整形美容技术发展及国人审美变化,内眦赘皮矫正的手术量呈井喷式增长,很多新的手术方式不断涌现,然而对于内眦赘皮的诊断、手术指征、手术方法及术后瘢痕管理等方面仍存在争议。目前,国内外对于内眦赘皮的诊断与治疗尚未形成共识。为此,我们组织国内相关领域专家,共同撰写此共识,旨在为内眦赘皮的诊疗提供指导性意见。
Purpose of the guideline: Epicanthus is a facial feature of Oriental race, and its existence affects the eye shape and facial proportion of Oriental people. With the development of plastic surgery technology and the changes of aesthetic sense in Chinese people in recent years, the number of operations for the correction of epicanthus has increased dramatically, and many new surgical methods have emerged constantly. However, there are still disputes regarding the diagnosis, surgical indications, surgical techniques and postoperative scar management of epicanthus. There is no consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of epicanthus at present. Here we organized domestic experts in related fields to co-write this consensus, aiming to provide guiding opinions for the diagnosis and treatment of epicanthus.